Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I think I will introduce my family. Hubby likes to be anonymous and you may not ever see a photo of him, but just know that he is a great dad and husband and each year we are married I am more and more convinced that he has been hand picked by God to be my soul mate. I feel very blessed to be his wife.

We have three beautiful daughters whom I am very proud of. They are so unique and I am continually amazed at their gifts. I hope that as parents we do a good job in raising them to be Godly women. I also hope in homeschooling them that we take every opportunity to discover their God given gifts and develop them so that they may use them to glorify the Lord.

Our oldest is Belle. (All my girls will have blog names as to protect their identity). She is 10 1/2. She is all girl. She is creative, bright, artistic, and musical. She has a great sense of humor. In fact it is quite dry and she takes after her father in that way.

Our middle daughter is 9. Yes they are only 17 months apart. She is intelligent, serious, analytical, truth oriented and quirky. She is small in stature, but big in presence. We call her Phi (fee).

Our third daughter, the baby is 6. She is happy, fun loving, affectionate, goofy and definitely the comedian in the family. She is the lowest maintenance child in the family. We call her Bobo.

That is my human family. My pet family consists of 2 cats, Lucy and Bella, and our Labradoodle, Max.



Unknown said...

I feel just the same about my husband, like he was hand-picked by God, for me!

Dedicated Elementary Teacher Overseas

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you! I found you through Lainie's blog. We are a MFW family too.


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